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Introducing Misty's 2nd litter .... whelped March 5, 2011

Misty and Reike's litter

Misty whelped seven puppies on Saturday, March 5th.  The first pup arrived stillborn during Misty’s visit to the vets for her puppy count x-ray.  Six more small puppies arrived at home within the next 2 ½ hours.  Sadly we lost three puppies in the first two days in spite of efforts to supplement and help them nurse. The remaining three pups (one male and 2 females) are nursing well & gaining weight and strength each day.  We’ve named the entire litter for the Icelandic/Arctic animals in honor of Heather Jeanblanc (Heimskauts Reike’s breeder) and her polar dogs.



Puppy 1

Born: 11:10 am
Sex:  unknown

Crying Rose  


Puppy 2 - "Kobbi"
Seal pup

Born: 12:15 pm
3/5/11 - 3/6/11
Sex: Male
Weight: 2.9 oz

Crying Rose   


Puppy 3 - "Rauðtófa"
Red fox

Born: 12:21 pm
3/5/11 - 3/6/11
Sex: Female
Weight: 4.0 oz

Crying Rose  


Puppy 4 - "Ísbjörn"
Polar bear (ice bear)

Born: 12:32 pm
Sex: Male
Weight: 4.1 oz

Closeup of Isbjorn  

Puppy 5 - "Snæugla"
Snowy owl

Born: 12:45 pm
Sex: Female
Weight: 4.8 oz

Closeup of Snaeugla  


Puppy 6 - "Skjóna"

Born: 1:10 pm
3/5/11 - 3/7/11
Sex: Female
Weight: 5.6 oz

Crying Rose  

Puppy 7 - "Heimskautstófa"
Arctic fox (polar fox)

Born: 1:40 am
Sex: Female
Weight: 5.4 oz

Closeup of Heimskauts-tófa  

Misty and Reike's litter

March 5th, 2011